Wednesday, January 22, 2014

experts advised to accustom the child doing sports since ayoung age because it has lots of benefits that not on physical benefits but it take much of psychological and moral benefits .sports promot achild's sense of community and the importance of participation and non_ selfish and it learned him to have a useful time . the child learn the focus and diligance and baises of sucsess in lifeand this showing in the diffrance between the child that doing sport and the child that his parents don't care about sport. contribute to the sport in accustom the child to take responsibility and to deal intelligance with the challanges of life which is protected from the sense of frustration. Sport is an excellent opportunity, to keep the child busy with useful things, which contributes to stay away from the usual problems facing children. Sports physical benefits of a large, multi, including the prevention of obesity and diabetes. Sports help your child to recognize the experience of others, and gain sympathy with the other, even if his competitor, which means strengthening the psychological and emotional maturity The attendance on the physical activity of the child achieves the benefits of physical, psychological, social and spiritual important The physical activity can help children and young people to achieve consistency, and integrity to build bones, muscles and joints Create teamwork, sports, and other physical activities, children with the opportunity for self-expression and build self-confidence, and a sense of accomplishment, and the interaction with the community and integrate in it The practice of motor activities increase the student's ability to learn through its effects on mental abilities, the studies indicated that students who participate in sports competitions between schools are less likely to exercise some unhealthy habits such as smoking or drug use, and more opportunity to continue in the study (completion of the study ) and academic excellence and take the highest academic levels. That the practice of motor activities and sports help children and teenager to configure some skills such as teamwork and self-control and sportsmanship and leadership, social, while not joining the recreational activities and sports may contribute to making young people more vulnerable groups and the bad guys and drug addiction and aggressive behavior (violence) The broad participation in team play, sports and other physical activities, whether in school or in leisure time, is essential for the healthy growth of children and youth. Also, access to safe places, and appropriate opportunities, and provide the time needed, and a good example represented by the teachers, parents and friends, contribute to ensure the progress of children and young people towards good health.


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