Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Honey and cinnamon for weight loss

In dieting, your health today

Honey and cinnamon for weight loss

 seem strange to you? How these two types of food they will merge together and lose weight? You have every right to dear in astonishment, but Sedki. Honey and cinnamon can bring you the weight you always dreamed of. Eating a cup of boiling water with a teaspoon of cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey in the morning before breakfast and another one before going to sleep will help you lose weight effectively.

Honey and cinnamon for weight loss

Body fat-free

Although the taste of sweet honey contains a good amount of sugar, but it plays an important role when eaten with cinnamon. Honey and cinnamon interact superbly and contribute first to improve the digestion and thus prevent the storage of large amounts of harmful fats. Secondly, honey and cinnamon do help you burn some fat. Eat this mixture and get whole body health & fitness.

Sensation of fullness

I've recently found that eating a cup of boiled cinnamon with some honey in the morning, contributes to reduce hunger through the rest of the day. Not only that. Cinnamon can help burn more calories eaten per day, and help you lose weight and get healthy body the natural way. So do not hesitate to set up this wonderful tasty and useful Cup.

Great power

Cuba boiling honey and cinnamon contains only 20 calories but lots of nutrients. Honey contains a good amount of vitamins and minerals. Either cinnamon, it contains little calcium, vitamin b and fiber to the body. 2 cups of honey and cinnamon power, they will grant you health and activity as well as the powder can

Honey and cinnamon for weight loss

alienate you from many diseases such as heart disease, high cholesterol, arthritis and cancer. Honey & cinnamon Madam you get more power, and better health and slimmer body.

Add the honey and cinnamon to the fishy

To learn more and more of the benefits of honey and cinnamon to lose more weight can be added to many dishes because they enjoy the delicious taste and wonderful. Here are some ideas:

-Soak the chicken breasts with the mixture of honey, cinnamon, salt and white pepper by the grill.

-Eat fresh apples with a spoon of honey and a little cinnamon.

-Prepare a cake or a combination of the delicious honey and cinnamon.

-Use cinnamon and honey over very little boil foods.

-Prepare a sauce of mustard, honey, and sprinkle with cinnamon for the foods.

Dear, go and try the magic formula that will reduce your weight effectively and maintain your health.


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