Tuesday, May 7, 2013

bird flu symptoms: most cases of transmission of bird flu to humans by direct contact or close contact with infected poultry (e.g. chicken and poultry ducks and turkeys) or surfaces contaminated with secretions or feces of infected birds with the disease, and only very rare cases of transmission of avian influenza viruses from one patient to another, and did not note the continued transmission to more than one person.

During the outbreak of bird flu among poultry highlights the potential risk of transmission of infection to persons who have a direct or close contact with sick birds or touching surfaces contaminated with secretions or droppings of infected birds.

Ranging from bird flu symptoms in humans between normal human influenza symptoms:



Sore throat

Muscular pains

Infections affect the eyes

Pulmonary infections

Head pain


Fatigue and malaise (wrench and break in the flesh)

It is also characterized by abrupt onset in a few hours or less than an hour, along with serious respiratory diseases (such as acute respiratory distress), and other severe life-threatening complications.

And symptoms of avian influenza may depend on the specific virus subtype and strain that caused the disease, must be laboratory analysis to see if human infected with bird flu.

As for the pandemic, which occurs after the virus incubation period that lasts one week, then moves to regular or sickness phase bugger (body temperature over 38 ° and pain in the throat and muscles and breathing problems as a cough), but soon develops the disease and its symptoms to develop problems such as breathing hard.

Then comes the phase change and the nature of the new virus as a serious complication lies with millions of people infected with the flu the quarterly often happens to people in the winter, here are difficult to monitor these items affected by the new virus, and in this case does not detect the virus unless there are quick analyses and developed sophisticated and specialized hospitals or disclose these new cases.

bird flu symptoms

The symptoms of infected birds are:

-Sudden deaths of up to 100%.

-Sharp Blues with anorexia.

-A sharp drop in egg production and egg without the shell's exit.

-Facial oedema and swelling in the head can extend to neck and follow custom and aldalitan in blue.

-Mucous from the nose and runny saliva out of the beak.

-Wrinkle and grub.

-Diarrhea and loss of fluids.


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