Monday, May 6, 2013

how does acupuncture work

How put needles on the body? How does acupuncture work? Do the points used are specific points located?

-Points on the human body and the tingling is acupuncture specific points and well thought out and tested and determine where and how their needles and length according to the condition in cases of headache are the needles place headaches immediately or in the phenomenon of the hand or foot or phenomenon in the scalp and can put needles in these places.

We note that our converters in the basis of specialty clinics such as nerve and internal medicine clinic, bone and other helping too much on familiarity with the patient's complaint and its examinations and treatments that there before the start with acupuncture

The session length is between 20 and 30 minutes, and usually the patient relaxes during and after the meeting, perhaps due to increased secretion beta endorphins in the brain and spinal cord

You must be patient prior conviction of the usefulness of acupuncture? Is it painful?

-If the psychological factor important for the success of any therapeutic process even if the medicines we do not lose sight of its significance in acupuncture, but not necessarily at the same time that the patient believed in the usefulness of acupuncture or other as a decisive factor for its response to treatment has been proven recently the usefulness of acupuncture in animals such as cats, horses and other animals do not know and do not believe in acupuncture.

As for the pain, acupuncture is rarely painful compared to the normal injection pain is less painful so they do not cause disruption in tissue while passing as in the case of the injection and note here that Qatar stitch around 130 Micron either length, between 15 and 75 MS and use the needle only once.

How put needles on the body? How does acupuncture work? Do the points used are specific points located?

Are there side effects of acupuncture? What are the contraindications?

-As I said, the patient feels relaxes during and after the meeting, but sometimes the patient may experience nausea or tired body after a acupuncture and fading after a simple, these symptoms often appear after the first sessions of treatment.

And prohibiting the use of acupuncture in cases of hemophilia genetic bleeding or severe mental disorders or be patient under the influence of drugs or alcohol or cases that require surgery. There are cases of acupuncture may not address but may contribute to relieve her pain, such as cancer where the patient feels pain and fatigue, and may not be able to take pain killers and here are the needles are very effective. In other situations, such as pregnancy with acupuncture can be used to avoid certain places and pregnancy not use contraceptives but used acupuncture to treat some symptoms of nausea or back pain or swelling.


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