Thursday, May 16, 2013

The best measure of the amount of fluid you should drink it is the color of urine: If dark urine color, it means that you do not drink enough fluids.

We offer you a collection of tips on the importance of drinking water during the process of weight loss:

8 facts about the importance of drinking water in the process of weight loss

  • Should drink two glasses of fluid before each meal in ten minutes. The fluid immediately to the stomach, following contact with the wall of the stomach, stimulate certain mechanisms send signals a sense of satiety to the brain. Take the transmission of signals from the stomach to the brain about twenty minutes. Contribute to drink fluids before meal 10 minutes in shortening the time needed to transfer the feeling of satiety to the brain in half the time.

  • Be careful habits of drinking fluids throughout the day, it helps prevent the sensation of hunger, and help maintain the sensation of fullness throughout the day.

  • There is great importance in the process of waste disposal and burning fat during weight loss process. The accumulation of waste products can stimulate the process of accumulation of fluid in the body, which affects the process of weight loss.

  • Drinking contributes in preventing constipation. The non-digestible fiber with fluid absorption into the bowel cavity and prevent the access of constipation.

  • Plays a central role in fluid intake to maintain the appearance of the skin.

  • Plays a central role also fluid intake to prevent changing the focus of salts and gravel in urinary tract.

  • Fluid intake contributes significantly to maintain the temperature of the body, and is vital for the work of the organs of the body.

  • In accordance with the recommendations, you should drink between 10 and 12 glass of fluid daily.

The best measure of the amount of fluid you should drink it is the color of urine: If dark urine color, it means that you do not drink enough fluids.


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