Friday, May 17, 2013

The definition of obesity (obesity)

Obesity can be defined as the abnormal accumulation of fat in adipose tissue in all parts of the body and this stock increases by increasing age in adults and tends to decrease again after the sixth decade of life.

Types of obesity

1. obesity due to increased fat cells in glands and this type appears in children

2. obesity as a result of the increase in the size of the fat cells and this type is common in young people

3. temporary obesity and in some stages of life and is not likely to become chronic if one did not notice them and of these stages

Adolescence: where much needed emotions and behavioral changes abound, directed the teenager to the different approaches as to the carefree eating sugary sweetened foods, especially as a form of relief or withdrawal of facing reality

Women after birth and this type of obesity occurs when prolonged convalescence after delivery with the lack of movement

Women in menopause or before period

What are the causes of obesity

1. sex (type): 15% of the weight of a woman's body in the natural state is a fat and this approximation about twice the proportion of fat in men and age are susceptible to obesity than men

2. Genetics: some studies have shown that genetics play a role by 70% and 30% of the environment as a factor leading to obesity

3. social and economic factors: eating habits, economic conditions

4. hormone: hormones increase the outer part of the adrenal gland increases the amount of fat in the body, as well as during pregnancy hormone contributes to weight gain if hypothyroidism (decreased thyroxine hormone) increase in weight

5. psychological factors: patients with anxiety, depression, frustration, go to eat because they find some catharsis (this group easier to cure than others)

6. appetite: in the hypothalamus in the brain Center of appetite (work the imbalance may result in an increase in weight)

7. physical activity and sport: the present social conditions and reduced many of the industrial progress need to burn energy-generating material

Dangers of obesity

1. the link between obesity in the waist area and many diseases: recent research has shown a correlation between obesity in the waist area and increase blood sugar and blood lipids

(Cholesterol and tri-acid), high blood pressure and high uric acid and increase the chance of heart attack as a result of tight and coronary atherosclerosis and the arteries to the brain

2. sugar: obesity link known occurrence of diabetes in adults to increase immunity in a person's body fat for the hormone insulin and the increase in pancreatic secretion of this hormone and ending and a diabetes but noted that weight reduction when such patients leads to lower blood sugar effectively

3. notification on the heart and circulation

4. respiratory hazards that obesity reduces the ability to fill the lungs with air, leading to a substantial decrease in the proportion of oxygen in the blood with a high proportion of carbon dioxide in the blood and this eventually lead to disease bekoikian accompanied by severe drowsiness and difficulty breathing and cyanosis

5. problems during pregnancy and birth: ladies toxins are particularly vulnerable to infection by preeclampsia more with increasing difficulty at birth and the likelihood of bleeding after birth

6. digestive problems: increased likelihood of cholesterol stones in the gallbladder

7. liver problems: causes fat deposition in the liver the liver function disorder

8. the effect on the joints of the body: increases the chance of erosions and joints begin to appear at an early age

9. genital tract: beginning menstruation at an early age when female excrescences on weight and not vulnerable to menstrual disorders

 Obesity Definition,The definition of obesity (obesity)

(Facts and misconceptions about obesity)

The error involving everyone is relying on estimating the amount of obesity on the balance only, but the fact that the quality of body composition is synonym of good health for example, if two people each weight 90 kg and 170 cm in length each, that is not necessarily the two are redundant in the same weight ratings may be the first person fat percentage 10% of body weight (9 kg of fat)

And in 20% (18 kg of fat)

And this is the first person and second person healthier on the second to reduce weight

The second common mistake is what should fall? A weight or body fat percentage? Specialists believe that reducing body fat percentage reduction and health

What is the weight of the fat?

Fat types

1. fat is useful and is 3-5% of body weight in men and 8-12% females and this fat protects the body against shocks and maintain body temperature and maintains the natural situation of viscera in place and we must maintain this minimum and increased fat storage is

2. fat storage: results from the continuing increase in how much calories from eating, is what we consider the excess fat

Body mass index

BMI = weight in kg divided by height in meters


Person weighing 70 kg, length 160 (1.6 m)

If body mass index = 70/1.6 * 1.0 = 27.3

This person is suffering from overweight, according to the World Health Organization classification BMI and illustrated by the following table

Body mass index

The characteristic

Less than 20





Weight gain



More than 40

Excessive obesity


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