Thursday, May 16, 2013

Autism Facts,facts about autism,autism facts for kids

Autism Facts (Autism-Autism) are a group of disorders, disorders of development called the medical language "autistic spectrum disorders" (ASD Autism Spectrum Disorders-) appear in infancy, before the child reaches the age of three years.

Despite the difference in severity and symptoms of autism from case to case, but all autism disorders affect a child's ability to communicate with those around him and the development of mutual relations with them.

Estimates show that 6 out of every 1,000 children in the United States suffer from autism and that the number of diagnosed cases of this disorder is increasing steadily, always. It is not known so far whether this rise is the result of better detection and reporting of cases, or efficacy is increased and the number of real autism patients, or as a result of these two factors together.

Although there is no cure for autism, so far, the early and intensive treatment, to the extent possible, can change markedly and serious in the lives of children affected by this disorder.

Autism Facts,facts about autism,autism facts for kids

Symptoms of autism

Autism in children:

Children also suffer from autism, and almost certainly, difficulties in the three key areas of developmental: social relationships, language, and behavior. Given the different signs and symptoms of autism from one patient to another, it is likely that each of the two acts are different, with the same medical diagnosis, in very different ways and both have different skills.

But severe cases of autism are, in most cases, the absolute inability to communicate or reciprocal relationships with other people.

Symptoms of autism in children (the majority), in infancy, while other children may arise and evolve quite naturally, months or years, the first of their lives but they become, suddenly, locked inside themselves, get or lose the language skills acquired up to that moment. Although the each child suffering from symptoms of autism, appeared as a typist and patterns of its own, but the following are the most common for this type of disorder:

Social skills

Does not respond to call out his name

Not much of a direct visual contact

Often it is not heard updated

Refuses to embrace or shrink himself

That does not seem to be aware of the feelings and the feelings of others

It seems that he likes to play alone, predicts in his own person

Language skills

Start speech (pronunciation of words) at a later age, compared with other children

Lose the ability to say certain words or phrases were known in the past

Liaise visually when he wants something

Loudspeakers for weird, or different rhythms and accents, speaks with the voice of lyric, and Terry or sound like the human voice (Android)

Cannot initiate a conversation or continue a conversation list

May repeat words, phrases or terms, but he doesn't know how to use them


Performs frequent movements such as, vibrators, spinning in circles or waving hands

Develop the habits and rituals do always

May have lost any change, even the simplest change or younger, these habits or rituals

Perpetual motion

Be stunned and amazed of the certain parts, such as rotation in the car game

The squeamish, overly, to light, to sound or touch, but unable to feel pain

Children at the age from difficulties when asked to share their experiences with others. And when you read a story to them, for example, don't have their finger pointing on images in the book. This social skill that develops at a very early age, necessary to develop social and language skills in the later stage of growth.

And as the children age towards adulthood, could become part of a more capable and willing to socialize and integrate into the surrounding social environment, it is possible to show fewer behavioural disorders that characterize autism. Even some of them, especially those with less severe disorders and serious, ultimately succeeds in ordinary life or lifestyle close to normal and natural.

On the other hand, continue to the other difficulties in language skills and social relationships, so that they are more behavioral problems, only worse and worse.

Department of children, slow in learning new skills and information. Others have a natural intelligence, or even higher than the others. These children learn quickly, but have problems in communication, in the application of the things they learned in their daily lives and the appropriateness/localisation themselves to changing social conditions and situations.

A very small section of children with autism are intellectuals zatoun and exceptional skills have unique, concentrated especially in a particular area such as art, music or mathematics.

Autism Treatment

There is, to this day, a single treatment for all people with the same amount. In fact, the treatments available for patients with autism, which can be used at home or at school is diverse and very versatile, exciting awesomeness.

The therapist can assist in finding existing resources in the area of housing, which can form the utilities to work with autism child is sick.

Autism treatment possibilities include:

Behavioral therapy (Behavioral Therapy) and speech-language pathology therapies (Speech-language pathology)

Educational-educational therapy

Drug therapy


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