Saturday, March 8, 2014

Ways to treat a sore throat with home

Rest: keep the rest of the best things you can do to treat inflammation of the throat, helping your body to fight bacteria as well as speed up the healing process. Also, we recommend that you drink plenty of water and fruit juice and eating soft foods that are easy to swallow it like a soup of all kinds.

Ways to treat a sore throat with home

Garlic: eat garlic that crushed, garlic contains (Allicin) is a natural antibiotic eliminates viruses and bacteria causing sore throats. Gently chop clove of garlic in a blender and drink with a glass of water. We recommend you take this mixture twice a day until the symptoms disappear.

Ways to treat a sore throat with home

Sage: Sage on many nutrients, such as potassium and vitamins C and A and B, boil a cup of water and add 3 teaspoons of Sage leaves. Let the mixture boil for 3 minutes, then cover and leave it for 15 minutes, then filter the papers from people and leave aside for 10 minutes. We recommend that you gargle with Rooibos tea for 30 seconds three times a day to relieve sore throats and calm feeling.

Ways to treat a sore throat with home

Vitamin C: eat vitamin C. this vitamin works by raising your immune system's response to inflammation of the throat. Either the recommended dose is one capsule (500 mg) twice a day while eating.

Ways to treat a sore throat with home


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