You don't have to be weight loss complex there are 5 strategies to eliminate belly fat and get a flat belly
1. eat more protein and fiber
The two nutrients they will help you feel fuller for longer than do carbohydrates. And by eating more of these nutrients, you automatically reduce the amount of carbohydrates you eat and not be burned quickly, as well as foods that accumulate and be fat in the abdominal area.
Recommendation: fill half the dish for breakfast or dinner with protein (eggs, beef, chicken, fish, Turkey) and the other half with vegetables or fruit (especially species rich in fiber).
2. don't neglect breakfast
Researchers have discovered in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Massachusetts that people ignoring breakfast are more prone to obesity by four times and half of those who eat this meal. Since eating breakfast increases metabolism. Studies show that breakfast negligence may reduce metabolic rate by up to 10 per cent.
Recommendation: eat a healthy breakfast such as oatmeal and berries to speed up your metabolic rate and burn fat throughout the day.
3. reduce fast food
That fast food restaurants rely on foods that are high in carbohydrates and calories and a lot of sodium. We find that dispense with a few fast food you eat in a week significantly limits the number of calories you avoid consuming excess calories.
Recommendation: when you eat out, eat wisely by following these tips:
• A national authority request full of vegetables and protein such as beans or chicken or beef. And reduce the sauce contains a large proportion of high calorie.
• Do not ask bread basket because if they exist on the table in hand, you achieved them.
• If you will take a meal in the restaurant, make this meal is breakfast or dinner and eat omelets, egg is more healthy snacks you eat inside or outside the home.
4. not drinking sugary drinks
If you like taking soda and juice, it is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce hundreds of calories from your daily diet. As a can of soda contains more than 12 teaspoons of sugar. You should also know that drinking orange juice is not good for you although it is a natural, so he huddled with glucose in the blood stream which leads to fat storage and cravings for more carbs.
Recommendation: drink water, unsweetened iced tea with your meals. And try the drinks that contain no calories for several weeks and will see the number of pounds you will lose her.
5. avoid alcoholic beverages
All alcoholic drinks to stop your body from burning fat, they contain a high percentage of calories and sugars that store fat in the abdominal area to address.
Recommendation: to refrain from eating this alcoholic beverage is one of the most effective ways to lose weight fast.
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