Digestion is the process are welcome, but they need a lot of energy. So that the body prefers to channel these energies to fight disease and causes!
What is the secret of our alien-and sometimes-amounts paid to a sick child, if forcibly?!
Child patient, such as adult, loses his appetite for eating when cold. Choose the body that directs most of its energies to benefit the immune system needs to now works more intensity than usual.
Digestion is the process fun, but they need a lot of energy. We all know the feeling of fatigue and heaviness after we finish eating a big meal, that desire to close venom and rest for a moment, and our Interior to leave guests or the kids to play so that we can take a NAP.
This is what we feel after eating a big meal, but even small meals you need energy for digestion. While we do not feel it directly, but our body needs to draw a lot of its resources to the analysis of food into food, vehicles can get energy.
At the beginning of a cold, preferably our body not to direct its resources to the process of digestion, it prefers not to make a lot of physical effort. You suddenly feel tired and wanting to rest.
Our body, wants to identify temporarily, consumers of important resources, so that it can focus on the device that fight pathogens. Our body has sufficient stocks of energy, can the probability for a certain period without having to eat. As for water, the situation is quite different, since we need to water always and in all circumstances. The water does not require much energy.
So give us the body signals that do not feel hungry, but nausea. Or more simply it is not able to accept or gastronomic.
We are trying, who brought up the idea that you must eat to provide your body with the strength necessary to fight the disease, forcing our children to eat in many ways. Parents feel happy that their son's request to eat after taking the drug reduced heat and sketches looked better.
He felt better, but his body has not yet overcome the disease. Simply I take a break, and there is nothing else works (medicine).
If we believe that the body does not need anymore to the immune system, we accept this belief very happy. But we know that the immune system has to return after a very short time to work again. So, what more is pleased to know that the immune system has become more powerful than it was the last time that disease, it would be-the next time you get sick — more ready and able to cope with the disease.
All of the above is true only in the early stages of the disease. If the disease continued, we dealt with the topic must be totally different.
Recommendations: if the child did not want to eat, they set him to command. However, mind that drank a lot. All the rest doesn't matter. If the child wants to rest, give him that.
Not every time a child suffering from colds we note therefore, symptoms often disappear before the symptoms that we know.
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