Made a lot of tests that help to lose weight without diet, but few who succeeded and proved, and by recent studies discovered the kind of diet that has proved its ability to lose weight without diet and going to you are as follows:
The first breakfast:
Breakfast: a manufacturer of dairy products, eggs, whole grains and fibre
And if you skip breakfast, start your day with a cup of milk or cheese with bread made of wheat. If you're ready for a meal, you can eat oatmeal and walnuts with yogurt and strawberries.
Objective: to provide the body with sufficient calories
The idea: a protein found in milk and other dairy products increases the production of muscle protein and helps in Taiz g growth and weight loss after exercise.
Same ingredients, yes no facts than teenagers, eating two meals in the morning meant that the day would end without devouring large amounts of calories. Many women do not have the time (and sometimes the abdomen) to one third of the consumption of calories allowed in the first meal after waking. So you can divide breakfast thus increasing calorie intake in the morning without the problem of filling the stomach immediately after waking from sleep.
Foods: vegetables, beans, fruits, nuts, soups and salads.
Goal: eat as much as possible.
The idea: the most important lunch between meals. As we said we must focus on providing the body with large amounts of calories at breakfast. So lunch is your chance to address items of fruits, vegetables and legumes rich in nutrients.
Food: a variety of vegetables and mushy meat, fish, beans and legumes
Objective: reduce the amount of protein
The idea: one study revealed that eating low calorie salad before dinner reduces the amount of food that we eat to 12%. It is therefore preferable to start dinner with a salad and then you can eat the meat tender like fish rich in omega-3 oil.
Here are some important tips that will help you in the process of weight loss:
1. make sure you eat three meals a day at a specific time, and not to neglect breakfast because they play a big role in burning calories.
2-locomotive always: for example you can stand while talking on the phone or watching TV.
3. the stairs instead of the elevator: the rise of the stairs might be cumbersome for some but you must accustom your body to some practices, particularly the use of stairs is an exercise aerobically.
4. try as far as possible, refrain from eating sugar or at least quantitative easing.
5. use skimmed milk and cheese.
6. stay away from canned foods because they contain large amounts of calories and sodium used in these foods delay the digestion which causes obesity.
7. reduce the intake of pasta or rice once a week.
8. choose brown bread just on pain of bran which greatly help in digestion.
9. use cold pressed olive oil because it does not cause cholesterol.
10. limit of salt because it stores the fluid in the body.
11. drink at least 6 to 10 glasses of water a day, wash the body of toxins and fat.
12. Remove chicken skin as it contains large amounts of lipids and hormones.
13. replace fries grilled specialities and boiled.
And with this simple healthy habits you can get sculpted body without harmful alrigimat
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