Thursday, June 6, 2013

With more products sold to boost the body's natural immune on vitamin c, but what you don't know is that your body does not absorb only 19% of any product that contains 1000 milligram of vitamin c.

The body needs 5-15 milligram of vitamin c, this percentage increase when smoking and pregnant women as well as some diseases and during taking certain medications such as corticosteroids.

While vitamin c deficiency causes scurvy, infections and is weak capillaries and evolve in a period ranging from 30 to 90 days.

Either symptoms of vitamin c appear in the form:

  • General weakness.

  • Fatigue.

  • Bleeding blood.

  • Some diseases and blood problems.

  • Bleeding and swollen lips.

But what is the power of vitamin c:

Vitamin C Benefits

10 benefits of vitamin c

1. vitamin c helps the body in promoting important defenses against pollutants.

2. vitamin c helps in strengthening the gums.

3. vitamin c helps reduce the incidence of certain serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease and eye disease.

4. vitamin c is necessary for collagen production in the cells.

5. vitamin c promotes healthy cell development.

6. vitamin c AIDS in the healing of wounds and injuries.

7. strengthen the walls of the arteries which prevents clotting and bruising.

8. vitamin c helps in the absorption of calcium.

9. vitamin c helps fight infections.

10. vitamin c helps to enhance the body's immunity.


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