Friday, June 7, 2013

It is known that milk and dairy products are generally rich in calcium for healthy teeth, but what specifically differentiates cheddar

Eat dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt is essential for human health, especially the health of bones, but a recent scientific study conducted under the auspices of the Academy of the new and exciting information about the benefits of these foods.

The researchers noted that eating cheese, particularly cheddar has a protective effect on the teeth and protects against decay and corrosion, and depopulation of the pernicious influence of the pH of the mouth.

The study included 68 people, aged between 12 and 15 years, were divided into three groups, the first group addressed the cheddar, while the second dealt with the milk, and the third dealt with the sugar-free yogurt, and took 3 minutes, and then rinse the teeth using water.

Cheddar is good for the health of your teeth

The researchers then measured the pH of their mouth after 10, 20 and 30 minutes of eating those foods, they found that the milk and yogurt is no change in the degree of the "PH" while eating cheddar contributed to raise the pH, which makes her the opposite properties to decay, especially that the higher the pH of the mouth of 5.5, the less chances of tooth decay.

And the researchers attributed to the presence of many articles with cheese stick by MENA and protect teeth nucleic acids influence, as this may be due to common cause is that the Act of chewing to eat cheese to produce more saliva alkaline effect, which is equivalent to the acidity of the mouth.

This results in a recent study published in the journal General Dentistry ", on the website of the patrol on 5 June.


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