Saturday, May 18, 2013

Supplementary medicine features

Given a non-rejection of the alternative medicine experts considered human long-term treatment for the dismantling of the old

Given a is not rejection of the alternative medicine experts considered human long-term treatment for the dismantling of his had been much evidence has shown daily on d then in many of the cases.

Alternative medicine takes old therapeutic methods which proved its efficiency that has dealt successfully with various cases of patients over time. Equal time is not left as WPA only talk and test to see the salahit to ease the suffering of the patient.

It can not be Chinese needles, for example dealing with millions of people for thousands of years, cannot be therapeutically aborted.

There can be, for example, that father o addressed millions of people for a long period of time through its treatment of failed.

Secondly: rid the patient of the risks of side effects of the drugs — responsible for village by the medicine. This is the only drug Toxicology as good by only harm the other, unlike alternative healing methods.

Perhaps this toxic of the most important reasons that motivate people to adopt alternative treatment methods.

Another aspect is the cost of alternative treatment is measured by the high cost of medicine rolling and up to the amounts not on its own as in surgical operations, these operations, many of which can be overcome if patients to alternative medicine since the first stages of the disease.

Supplementary medicine features

And another side is feeling the patient's doctor or therapist interest much more than a doctor in excess. And reason behind this is that alternative treatment methods require with a rack of integrated with the patient, biaet, aaelt, history of wemak patients for disease, and the same, and non-disclosure. All this makes him familiar with the personality of the patient and allowing the patient the opportunity to get rid of some of the suppressed, and lets people sympathetic with the situation and wants to help him. This is missing in most routine medical services.

One very important aspects in alternative treatment methods is the lack of jurisdiction! Q there is no evident on a doctor and another of the diseases concerned by Schily said the disease area see polycarbonate to another. This is the basic idea of AR treatment based on dealing with human rights as a whole and as we wrap the wizard thus endure Chief as the main reason behind the media satisfied in one particular organ of the body. And when he finds the right medicine, in whatever form, Cisse obey project solution.

This is not surprising even in medicine. But there are among the brightest of the ulcer patients had prevented its nervous e w c is the reason which prevented its patients. P-without case reasons still not cured the patient, but will remain on the pH pill and other means real yum to no end.

In fact, this makes the practice of alternative medicine often harder than the practice of medicine. This is clear.


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