Saturday, May 18, 2013

How to Lose Fat Face and Chubby Cheeks

The first signs of bleeding most often weight is to change the shape and facial features is a clear revelation of brand or weight gain, facial fat loss process is the functioning of your diet correctly, so dear offer you a range of tips that will help you get rid of the excess grease in the face:

First: drink lots of water:

The lack of drinking water lead to bloated and flip specifically, because in the absence of water quantity required, the body thinks it's in a desert environment and works to store any amount of water within him which makes you look bloated, so you should drink 8 glasses of water a day but you must know that the required degree of fluid the body needs water clearly intended, and that information does not apply to soft drinks are more things that lead to swelling of the body unnecessarily.

Second: don't forget fruits and vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables contain few calories along with the amount of water makes the body hydrated is of course, not only the fruits and vegetables contain fibre with high nutritional value, and what to do to make the process of digestion are naturally, instead of eating a piece of chocolate, replace that with a small fruit salad dish.

III: calcium for fat loss:

Several scientific studies have demonstrated that eating less than 1200 ml grams of calcium per day, helps you to lose body fat.

IV: more calories gained!:

The golden rule in the law of fat loss, burning less calories consumed, so the easiest and most healthy ways in this vein is that you burn about 250 calories, and at the same time reduce 250 calories in your diet.

According to the above then you will loose 500 calories a day, and you need to loss of 3,500 calories per week, and even loose 250 calories you have to walk 30 to 40 minutes a day, to avoid the acquisition of 250 calories from your meals you'll give up fast food and eating.

How to Lose Fat Face and Chubby Cheeks

VA: control the amount of salt:

Salt is the second factor that storing water inside the body, so is the real reason behind the feeling of thirst, swelling of your face for a quick meal to fit a large amount of sodium, "salt", so avoid eating all of the pizza and burgers and snacks and fries "chips", already contains a large amount of salt.

VI: regular exercise:

Daily aerobics to burn large amounts of calories and reduce body fat, not to mention protect your body and your heart muscle disease and premature aging.

Dear we introduced you the solutions to the problem experienced by many women, fat face, and change facial features after a certain period of time, so you must adhere to the previous tips to avoid this problem.


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