Thursday, May 2, 2013

A recent scientific study has shown that the body tends to convert food into fat at night, while used as a source of energy in the daytime. She said the study, published in the journal "karint bio" natural sleep system disorder or so-called biological clock, leads to metabolic disorder where the body tends to form and storing fat even when you eat the same amount of calories, or the same diet.

Professor Carl Johnson, specialist in biology at the University of Vanderbilt "time": "no matter what we eat, but it is time to eat," explains the phenomenon of overweight and obesity in people who work night shifts, making the ratio of diabetes.

Date  food affects the quality and form of the human body?!

It should be noted that previous studies showed regular periodic changes in blood sugar levels in humans during the day, even if you keep giving the same amount of solution, through a vein, scientists have linked those results with insulin in the blood, this study demonstrated.

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