Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ask Reader have a chocolate addiction, especially on certain days of the month, and I don't know why, is it possible to give me some nutritional information posted Please note that I do not suffer from increased weight?.

Replied to the question Dr Sharifa Abu fotouh therapeutic Advisory, saying there are some nutritional facts about chocolate, and are as follows:

-Contain 30 grams of chocolate for 150 calories, and 2 to 3 grams protein.

The original grain contains a good amount of vitamin E, vitamins B, this percentage drops to become negligible in a few types of chocolate manufacturer.

Chocolate manufacturer contains between 40% to 53% of cocoa butter.

-Contain chromium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, almagnsiom, noting that high calorie makes it an inappropriate source for these metals, but in the absence of another food source.

Chocolate contains two elements: THEOBROMINE and CAFFEINE, and the first element does not alert the nervous system, where its influence is diuresis, the second alarm effect is much less than the effect of a cup of coffee free enough.

What important food for chocolate?

Chocolate contains a composite PHENYLE THYLAMINE, it is naturally.

Dr. sherifa noted that psychologists believe the chocolate addicts suffer from lack of levels of this compound in their bodies, making them addicted to chocolate, and others believe that the hormonal changes that occur at certain times make has this lack of this compound, the need for chocolate.


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