The flu or a cold? Through the following article you will learn how to differentiate between the flu remedy, cure colds and how to treat each case to prevent influenza complications that can lead to pneumonia, which required hospital treatment.
Colds andflu are caused by different families two of the viruses. Colds attack the upper respiratory tract, sinus and nasal passages, and usually appear in autumn, spring and summer. While the flu appears mainly in autumn and winter, and lower respiratory.
Common cold (coryza) caused by the viral infection so that there are three basic viruses that attack the upper respiratory tract: Renault-virus (dozens of different varieties), Parra-flu and RSP which attack especially children and spread the common cold.
Expressed with severe runny nose, dry cough, itching and irritation in the throat (not always), without fever and muscle pain and bones. The term "custody" (before the onset of symptoms) for colds are usually about three days, the disease usually lasts about a week. Symptoms of the common cold can resemble symptoms of allergies, but without the appearance of skin rash, often without tears.
Expressed in a general weakness, muscle pain, headache, high fever, nasal congestion, sore throat and a cough that begins with a wet cough, then you can turn to dry cough and annoying, which can last for several weeks. The incubation period is shorter, and the symptoms usually appear after about a day-two days of infection and lasts an average of one to two weeks (sometimes up to several weeks).
Influenza is caused by viruses of the family alanfolanza where each year the different qualities of the virus, such spontaneous mutations that actually do occur as a result of selection pressure (drug therapy), so it is difficult to predict in advance and prepare an appropriate vaccine and special.
Influenza affects mainly the lower respiratory tract and can cause serious complications especially among older people who suffer from chronic diseases (diabetes, heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary), smoking, living with breathlessness (asthma), and very young children.
Why it is important to distinguish between these diseases?
One of the important reasons why a distinction must be made between cases of colds and flu, are the possible complications, especially in the case of the flu. While the complications of colds can often lead to sinus infection which can be treated, complications of flu may worsen and lead to pneumonia requiring hospital treatment and prompt treatment (deteriorating to the point of respiratory failure), for various infections that require antibiotic treatment, and even to the collapse of entire systems and death.
Examples of months in medical history for-"Spanish flu" in 1918, which killed more people than World War I. The viral disease can persist for long periods to pave the way for bacterial contamination, and this is also why is delay treatment with antibiotics for viral contamination is not treated with antibiotics in order to prevent as far as possible exposure to antibiotics to reduce the risk of developing bacterial strains of "resistance".
Treatment of flu and colds
Not found in traditional medicine/treatment effective for such cases, with the exception of pharmaceuticals designed to relieve the symptoms of the disease. To mitigate congestion is using disks containing substances diluted decongestant and antihistamine of the new generation and the old (in different versions of medicines in pharmacies). Also, different sprays are used for loosen congestion.
You can get flu vaccinations (adults over the age of 65 years and persons with chronic diseases), it should be noted, however, that the vaccine depends on the strains of virus detected so far, so it's hard to give protection against new breeds that appear during the winter and.
Another way to cure and treat viral diseases in winter, is by homeopathy.
In comparison with the above-mentioned pharmaceuticals designed to treat the symptoms of disease, homeopathic help give the body's own capacity to deal with the disease, strengthen inside by activating the internal mechanisms.
Many companies produce lotions available in the homeopathic pharmacies, these products not only help relieve symptoms, but also shortens the duration of the disease, but be careful to use when the onset of symptoms.
Additional and important feature of homeopathic treatments, both classic (which includes only one component and is obtained after an interview lesbian inclusive), or those available in dispenser and containing several components to prevent winter illnesses, and to do so through promoting activation of the body's defense mechanisms.
Such products allow not only to treat the flu and shorten the duration of symptoms, but also preventing them in advance, by strengthening the immune system and act as a natural catalyst that allows fixed and short healing process, reduces fever, relieves the symptoms of flu and respiratory infections.
Ensure proper nutrition, which provides the required level of all the nutrients: water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. As a nutrition and health are linked to each other, maintain a balanced diet for normal growth and development of psychological and physical. Balanced diet begins with a variety of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and other minerals, whole grains such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, plus other mixtures of cereals and pulses that produce complete protein containing all amino acids combine foods rich in dietary fiber and omegas 3 limit foods high in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol.
Along with ways to treat colds this important to check what are the symptoms of disease, duration, and if the virus, make sure not to rise much. In case of high fever that lasts for more than two-three it is recommended to go to the doctor for treatment, early diagnosis of possible complications. For the elderly, people with chronic diseases and children very young recommended orientation at the beginning of the symptoms of the disease (both in cases of influenza or influenza Papyrus) to the family doctor.
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