That lower back pain is a common phenomenon, and can be defined as part of the routine of our daily lives. In fact, this phenomenon is not new and associate with us since the dawn of our existence, not a real change in the spread over the years. Consists of the spine (Columna vertebralis) of 33 vertebra (Vertebra): neck-7 paragraphs; chest-12 paragraphs; waist-5 paragraphs; trunk-5 vertebrae connected; tail-4 paragraphs mtnksh (Degenerated) and connected.
There are between the vertebrae disc (Disc) (disc between the vertebrae), which is a gel (Gelatin) (with hidrostatiket properties, framed by a ring of strong membrane that protects the content of the disc.
The spine is actually a work of engineering, which allows him to work opposite ways. Install the chassis (Skeleton) and body weight, and at the same time prevents shock and distributes pressure. At the same time allows the spine movement and maximum flexibility to the body. Inside the spinal cord passes through the spinal column (Spinal cord) and the nerve roots (Nerve roots) of electrical connections between all parts of the body and the brain.
Back pain appears (Backache) in all generations, but proliferation increases with age until it reaches its peak in the fourth decade, and after less than incidence until her disappearance in the seventh decade of life.
Despite great public attention, no one knows the exact cause of the pain.
It was the first time I found that the source of the pain is, in the 30 years of the last century, and knew for the first time that the damaged disc between paragraphs is the main source of the pain. We know today, it cannot distinguish between the injured disc between the vertebrae, and the natural ageing process. Why suffer from this worrying phenomenon? Some are trying to link the main factor of this phenomenon in the evolutionary process (Evolution), which straighten up our body and we started walking on two legs, others connecting reason with another shift in human evolution, and it is time we spend sitting.
Pain characterization may refer to certain factors and the seriousness of the Nuba mountains. Knowing the patient's past and the physical examinations by your doctor, to distinguish between low back pain (Lumbago), background, and lower back pain on the back. Does not help in the first weeks of the pain of anything, except that it suspected of raising specific diseases.
Photography (x ray, CT, MRI) is important to confirm clinical suspicion for herniated (Slipped disk), or the Canal stenosis (Spinal canal stenosis), and only when patients are candidates for surgical treatment of any kind. Cause unnecessary imaging, patient adherence to the anatomic diagnosis, such as a herniated disk (Herniated disc) (located at 50% of people aged 30-50), which hinders the process of healing and rehabilitation.
The natural course of back pain in 80% of patients are cured within one month of the beginning of pain. Even twenty years ago, relying on a theory from the 18th century, recommends giving the rest to the body in the event of bodily injury, they thought that the best treatment for back pain is rest. Today we know that this type of treatment is one of the key factors for increasing the proportion of disability (Disability) in industrial societies. The patient must be activated and return it to its normal as soon as possible, with the clarification that the goal of treatment is to return to work and not healing (Recovery).
Despite the prevalence of back pain and being a nuisance in everyday life, but it should not be considered a disease, but as part of our depreciation (Depreciation) in the body.
Causes and risk factors for low back pain
The reasons that lead to back pain, are primarily biological, but don't forget the fact that man is a social animal, so you can add the psychological and social factors (Psychosocial) as reasons for the emergence of pain.
Treating lower back pain
Treatment includes acute back pain medications anti-inflammatory (Anti inflammatory drugs), analgesic pain (Pain relie) and hanging limp muscles (Muscle relaxant). These drugs are effective in the acute phase, but must pay attention to side effects (Side effect) of these drugs to other body organs. As mentioned, no value and must encourage activity that would ease the pain. I have several other treatments for low back pain, we can say that tree back pain treatments and full of branches. It turns out that many of the treatments are ineffective, compared with placebo (Placebo) did not show significant differences.
Some types of treatment are acceptable:
1. cold-pain surfactants.
2. heat -for relaxation of muscle spasms (Myospasm).
3. massage (Massage)-accelerate circulation (Blood flow) and tissue tightening.
4. almiadah (Chiropractic) – (manual therapy) pulling a tissue to restore the anatomical proportions between the components of the skeleton.
5. alternative therapies such as acupuncture (Puncture), acupressure (Shiatsu-shiatsu), reflex therapy (Reflexotherapy), biofeedback (Bhofeedback), wevildnkrayz (Feldenkrais).
The chronic low back pain is ongoing and that more than three months, coupled with dysfunction, which usually requires a professional multidisciplinary intervention (orthopaedic surgeon (Orthopaedist), functional rehabilitation (Functional rehabilitation) massage (Masage), psychotherapy (Psychalogy) needs a 1%-2% of people with lower back to be treated invasively (Invasive), and also multiple possibilities here. today, it can be said to be suitable treatment for a problem that causes pain and functional disability. has developed many treatments over the past four decades: Defrost for synagogues, suction disk disk (Disc Aspiration), laser vaporization (Photovaporization), an infected disk ruptures weld by heat waves or cold. The efficiency of these processes, with the implementation of appropriate instructions, about 50%. When the infected disk material and into the spinal canal (Spinal canal) and cause pressure, especially damage to the nervous system (Nerve system), surgery (Surgery) and outstanding spare part (Discectomy). The goal of surgery is to not treat the infected disk, but only to treat the prominent part due to pressure and damage to the nerves. The goal of the surgery on the infected disk between the paragraphs, which proved to be a cause of pain and disability, is to replace another disk prosthesis (Artificial disc implantation), which maintains the spinal motion segment.
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