Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pneumonia Symptoms In Children

Can you talk about more diseases that children under the age of five?

The World Health Organization announced that six preventable diseases are often responsible for 73% of child deaths in the world each year, pneumonia causes 19% of deaths among children under five, followed by diarrhea and premature birth and after malaria and blood infection and respiratory problems related to complications of childbirth, according to the new estimates showed that more than 7 of every 10 cases of deaths of children under 5 and 10.5 million, linked to the six reasons and 4 diseases Ferry is the cause of more than half of all child deaths.

The figures were based on black and his colleagues collected data from ongoing studies and bulletins published in the Lancet medical journal and identified the lack of food as an important reason behind 53% of deaths of young children in the world, and contribute to measles and neonatal tetanus and HIV (HIV) that causes AIDS, a small percentage in child mortality, as a result, most children who die of malaria in Sudan and Somalia and most of Africa were the highest rates of infection with mosquito-borne disease, the researchers said that 42% of child deaths occur in Africa and 29% in South-East Asia, and harvested diseases pneumonia and malaria, diarrhea, measles can be prevented by care and treatment, all the lives of 48% of child deaths in the world.

‏What is a pulmonary infections in children?

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung tissue due to the arrival of a certain microbe, usually have some kind of bacteria, but at other times the cause is a virus or fungi, and when settling Microbe in the air sacs it begins to reproduce and fill the lungs with fluid and white blood cells to fight off the bacteria, and it is possible that this inflammation affects the cloves or more lobes the lung.

Types of pneumonia by MRSA

-Bacterial pneumonia Bacterial Pneumonia: the most common types of pneumonia and is divided into two types:

Hammam caused by bacteria such as alnimokox, stavilokoxi, himovils anfonza, e. coli or walsidomonas

Funky and is caused by the bacterium maikoblazma nbemonia.

-Viral pneumonia Viral Pneumonia: increased appear when children and caused by viruses, there kinds of alalithia viral pneumonia is very widespread and most serious, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS.

-Fungal Fungal pneumonia Pneumonia is rare, patients may appear or stateless persons immunity like daifi AIDS patients

Pneumonia is divided by the location of the pneumonia: pneumonia Lobar Pneumonia (CT) or spot which is inflammation in the lung tissue of a specific part of the lung and pneumonia Pneumonia and Broncho PDF is a common occurrence in children and the elderly, which is inflammation in the Airways, which diverge from the alveoli.

Pneumonia Symptoms In Children

What causes the disease? 

The most important underlying causes of the epidemic, a pneumonia infection by breathing the spray air loaded with microbes, which comes through a cough or a sneeze, as shargat infections by bacteria entering through secretions of the mouth, nose or throat, and sometimes occur as a result of a pneumonia microbe is Dermatitis, or inflammation of the ear or scarlet fever, in normal situations the body resist bacteria and expelled to the outside through coughing and by the immune system that resists bacteria or viruses, preventing The occurrence of inflammation, but it is possible that the pneumonia is well child without any reasons or special introductions, when viruses that infect the upper respiratory tract such as colds and sore throats, this virus opens the way and reduce HIV to resist pneumonia occurs, where it infects the lining of the respiratory tract and reduces their immunity.

There is a class of children increase their risk of pneumonia, general weakness and immune deficiency, malnutrition and with heart disease leading to congestion of the lungs, as well as hypersensitivity chest (asthma), as well as cases with problems in swallowing, regurgitation of food or milk from the stomach, as well as neurological diseases accompanied by difficulty swallowing or cough so that the secretions of the mouth or even food may turn to the trachea and the shabby, or inhaled foreign body Such as nuts or fruit or seed of any solid food or gasoline or even inhaling the powder alselk containing zinc, which can lead to pneumonia, and it should be noted that pneumococcal infections are common in the winter, often after physical effort, accompanied by sweating and exposure to cold air currents.

‏How can a mother to know that her child has pneumonia?

Pneumonia usually appears in the form of high temperature with fatigue, Bunion, and sometimes there may be chest pain, and this pain when taking a deep breath, sit back baby if wounded side, developing and may be cough dry cough initially and then turns into a cough accompanied by phlegm, and sometimes accompanying disease jerk and difficulty breathing appear as rapidly in respiratory rate, or a voice with exhale or expansion in the nostrils with the inspiration, the inflammation of the chapter Bottom of the lungs, accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, inflammation of the upper lobe is accompanied by spasms in the neck, and may occur in severe cases cyanosis must consult the doctor at the pain the children under five years of age cough accompanied by high temperature, or to note the rapid respiratory rate, especially if rapid breathing more than 60 times per minute in the newborn under the age of two months, more than 50 times per minute in infant age 2 months up to 1 year of age, and more than 40 times per minute From the age of one to five years, if also noted the withdrawal of the bottom of the rib cage, or contraction of the ribs with the inspiration, if any of these cases you must promptly take the child to the nearest doctor or hospital specialist.

What are the clinical and laboratory tests you in case you suspect the child pneumonia?

Usually, the symptoms of pneumonia and we can diagnose the disease by taking a patient history and clinical examination by the speaker, but to identify the extent of the inflammation we x-ray the chest, sometimes we take a sample of blood, phlegm when the yolk for the work of the laboratory implants to determine the causative microbe create inflammation.

In the case of rampant disease or neglect, what serious consequences? 

In the majority of cases, complications for healthy children who have received proper treatment and care, but may cause pneumonia in some cases complications such as Crystal which spill fluid in the space between the lungs and rib cage or Liguria to the crystal membrane which requires withdrawal of pus from a chest tube, sometimes gathered under the crystal membrane antenna with some pathogenic microbes, and the most serious complications of microbe in the body such as the circulatory or heart or bone membrane inflammation or arthritis or inflammation Meningitis, infections of soft tissues.

Is there a cure for this disease?

The most appropriate antibiotic treatments, and in the past it was pneumonia deadly diseases before the discovery of antibiotics, taken the antibiotic as instructed by the doctor from 10 days to two weeks at least, the patient feels better within 3 to 4 days of treatment, the mother should be concerned with giving her adequate fluids and medication reduced temperature, and advise the child comfortable at home with abstinence from sports, as well as the control of respiration and consult your doctor when Any shortness of breath, cyanosis because in some cases, the child needs to breathe oxygen or pull the pus from the Crystal cavity until completely same healing.

‏The tips and instructions that her mothers to prevent pneumonia?

The mother must care about the dimensions of the child about the sources of infection by microbes such as crowded spaces, as well as people with colds and coughs, the mother must care about child nutrition and not give him solid food that may hit the Eastern, and appropriate treatment when getting colds and viral infections.


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