Thursday, May 9, 2013

facts about childhood obesity

Obesity among children is a serious problem. Can lead to many physical and psychological problems in children. Of course, weight gain is normal for a child to grow up. But if most of your body weight, then your child can be considered as obese. Could childhood obesity be a reason for different ailments such as high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and diabetes. This article will help you understand the causes and treatment options for obesity in children.

Causes of obesity in children 

In accordance with the realities of childhood obesity, obesity in children is the result of multiple causes including imbalance between calories gained from food and calories expended in physical activity and basal metabolic rate. It is often found that obesity in childhood caused by interaction of physiological and nutritional factors, family and psychological. Some known causes of obesity in children are as follows:

* Family: the tendency to gain weight is more common in children who have both parents are obese. It may be due to genetic factors or parental modeling of exercise and eating behavior.

* Low power consumption: obesity problem often found with children who watch television for several hours. Many of them held down snacks with high calories while watching TV or domestic work.

* Heredity: it is not necessary that all children who eat high-calorie food and less activities tend to gain weight. According to recent research, heredity significantly contributes to obesityFound children of mothers suffering from overweight to be more inactive and obese at the age of three months compared to children of mothers on the normal weight.

* Some diseases: some hormonal disorders and genetic diseases that predisposing factors for childhood obesityThe Cushing and Prader-Willi syndrome contribute to obesity in a small percentage.

facts about childhood obesity

facts about childhood obesity

Risk factors for obesity in children 

Several factors can increase the risk of obesity in your child. Can high material consumption high-calorie food like baked goods, fast food and snacks vending machine lead to obesity, as such foods are high in calories. Can the consumption of sweets, candy and soft drinks may also lead to obesity, because such foods and drinks rich in sugar and calories. If the child is not burning calories in physical activities, it can cause weight gain. Many children tend to spend a lot of time in leisure activities like playing video games or watching TV. A child of a family of overweight has a tendency to put on weight. Some psychological factors can also contribute to obesity in childhoodSome children are not able to handle emotional problems such as boredom or stress, they tend to overeat. Their parents are likely to have similar tendencies. And social and economic factors are responsible for obesity in children. It was noted that children from low-income background are more likely to gain weight because poor parents may not pay sufficient attention to children's diet and exercise.

Health effects of childhood obesity 

Obese children are at increased risk of developing several serious health problems. These health problems include coronary artery disease (hardening of the arteries and blocked), high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, liver disease, skin infections, sleep disorders and asthma and other respiratory problems. Can obese children suffer from stroke, heart attacks, high blood pressure, type II diabetes and bowel cancer in adulthood. In addition to physical problems, obese children may face of psychological distress.And teased the children obese from their appearance. This can affect a child's self-esteem and confidence. And such children from depression and isolation.

Maintain a healthy weight 

When you notice that your child is overweight, you need to help your child to lose excess calories and maintain a healthy weight. You can encourage your child to be a balanced, healthy diet, changes in eating habits and increased physical activity.

* A healthy diet: it is advised that children should not be put on a diet to lose weight because it can affect their growth. Should kids diet are fresh and nutritious. Starchy foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates, and good nutrition. Can foods such as rice, bread, potatoes and pasta provide half the energy in the diet. Try healthy alternatives like fresh fruits, crackers and crusty bread instead of high-fat foods, including cookies, cakes, potato chips and chocolate. Grilled foods go or baked instead of fried foods. And should you prefer fresh fruit juices diluted with water or other sugar-free beverage alternatives with higher sugar content. You can start your day with a healthy breakfast including low sugar in milk, cereals and fresh fruit. Instead of candy, you can bear fruit, canned or dried fruit and frozen yogurt instead of ice cream.

* Changes in eating habits: you need to change the habits and attitude towards food and exercise to achieve lasting impact. You should try to set a good example with your own good habits. Provide snacks and meals at regular times to prevent your child from grazing whole day. Do not allow children to eat while studying or watching TV. Avoid keeping plenty of snacks high in sugar and fat.Teach your child to chew food slowly, so that he/she will feel complete.

* Physical activity: walking should be encouraged whenever possible, instead of traveling by car or bus. Show your kids to participate in sports activities and teams. Encourage them to participate in outdoor games like football or cricket.

Treatment for childhood obesity 

Treatment for childhood obesity depends on the child's age and medical conditions. Typically, obesity in children can be managed with changes in diet and level of physical activity. However, in certain circumstances, may be required medication or surgery to lose weight.

* Drugs: orlistat (xenical) wesibotramin (meridia) is a prescription weight-loss medications recommended for adolescents. Orlistat is preferred for adolescents older than 12. Can stop the absorption of fat in the intestine. Tagged as alsibutramine for adolescents older than 16. This medication can change brain chemistry and makes the body feel full more quickly. However, it is best to consult a doctor before starting any type of medication.

Generally recommended weight loss surgery for obese adolescents, who do not lose their weight with the conventional methods for weight loss: * weight loss surgery.

Now that you have come to know the facts about childhood obesity, and you will be able to deal with this problem. You can help your child to maintain normal body weight and remain healthy and active.


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