Monday, April 29, 2013

We hear many mothers complain of poor appetite when their children, their faces pale and skinny appearance, the truth is that children in stages of growth increases the length of the child faster than the increase in weight and are highly mobile and play less interested in eating for busy playing, the result is a thin

And you give a child an energy rich food and calories from carbohydrates , fats and proteins to maintain the mental and physical growth to compensate for the missing body of energy resulting from frequent movement, it may be that the child has a good appetite but weighed no more than you have to make sure his body is free from worms such as Ascaris and tapeworm and other it reduces appetite and intrude on their food.

And thin when children are temporary, and with proper nutrition and weight will disappear and I would advise all mothers:

-No pressure on children to eat, it may cause an adverse effect to the pressure to repeat the baby food, but your talking to him and telling him and showing only one type and no more with this type will you exhaust yourself a child that did not have an appetite for food will not eat even if ahadarti has 7 types.

Child skinny

-Regular sleeping hours for service and growth.

- Give the child plenty of protein to maintain growth, especially dairy, eggs, meat and beans.

- Given a lot of starchy materials for the energy needed for the movement.

- Given the necessary vitamins after consulting a specialist , especially vitamin b complex light appetite in yeast - liver -meat-banana-tomato, preferably natural sources of medicine.

-Keep in your kitchen food useful as breakfast cereals, nuts and dried fruit to be a substitute for chips and chocolate when feeling hungry and be given a piece of chocolate after eating a snack as a cheese sandwich.

-Recursive your child a bowl of fresh vegetables and fruits in certain hours each day time Morocco even inherits the correct eating habits.

-Failure to provide for your child types of Candy-colored walmnkhh and soft drinks and their presence in your home is the first step. Webaknaah by repeatedly repeatedly will damage stored his mind inside this and less inclination only events.

Remember my dear mother, you are role models, your eating habits are passed on to your baby.


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