Tuesday, March 12, 2013

There are many benefits of vitamin d, it lifts the immunity of the body in addition to the many secrets and benefits that make us the Dr. Magdy Badran, a member of the Egyptian society of Allergy and Immunology and fellow children's Institute at Ain Shams University.

Stresses that the benefits of vitamin d are more than bones and teeth to all the members of the body where it has many functions of the human body is regulating the balance of calcium in the body and helps to provide the mineral also prevents bone fragility Bones and protects against cancer, cancer cells and prevents formation of blood vessels that nourish tumors and pancreatic cancer, and colon cancer.

And Dr. Magdy shows that vitamin d helpful allergy bra: reduces allergy symptoms it is important for the safety of all cells and helps in the formation of blood cells, the immune system, protects against diabetes and prevent cracking of the hormone insulin by Antibodies and genetic code regulates work of 2000 in the body, it is important for the heart and fight aging, healthy skin, pancreas, sleep, hearing aids, reproductive health, muscle performance, eye health, circulatory, respiratory, immunology, good digestion.

New secrets of Vitamin D

Vitamin d deficiency is common in children, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers have vitamin d deficiency causes vitamin d deficiency leads to denial of sunlight or housing in industrial cities, where air pollution by sulfur blocks the UV rays of the Sun It also affects the elderly and often stayed at home away from the Sun also occurs as a result of malnutrition, and malabsorption of bowel defects and alcohol when diseases liver or kidney or pancreas. 

The people with dark skin as a melanin pigment blocks the UV rays affecting the proportion of vitamin d to your body, and also occurs as a result of obesity, so that fat holding vitamin d, and vitamin d with some medications for the treatment of seizures and epilepsy.

And Dr. Magdy indicates that vitamin d deficiency causes rickets in children and the curvature of the bones of the legs, forearms and ribs, osteoporosis in adults and increases the likelihood of caesarean birth and chronic pain: muscle, difficulty walking or standing or climbing stairs, especially spinal bone,Pelvic bones, legs and slow growth, delayed teething, weak teeth. And Dr. Magdy confirms that neglecting a serious lack of vitamin d causes convulsions, muscle contraction, and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Badran recommends that body directly to the Sun for 15 minutes a day is normal during the morning or afternoon and eat fish, eggs, cod liver oil, vitamin d, salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines, liver, egg yolk, and cheese.


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